After Stop the TouchPad, HP will Sell WebOS

Touchpad webOS
Hewlett Packard (HP) decided to stop production of tablet PCs, which use the Touchpad webOS operating system. After announcement of the termination, it is not clear how future webOS Palm purchased from HP.

Rumors are circulating, HP will "turn off" webOS granted, because they will not be able to compete with Apple's IOS and (Google) Android. However, recent news mentions HP is offering webOS to several other vendors. Some vendors are reportedly interested in buying webOS, including Amazon, RIM, IBM, Oracle, and Intel.

As quoted from TheNextWeb, the sale is only worth hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars, which is obviously not going to cover the money spent for the Palm HP's $ 1.2 billion dollars.

Some analysts said the purpose of buying the HP webOS is actually just to take the existing patents in webOS. After the "disarm" his patent, HP will sell WebOS to other vendors. The practice of purchasing a company to take the patent has become commonplace in today's information technology industry.

HP bought webOS from Palm in April 2010, at the time they promised to develop a platform on the webOS smartphone devices, tablets, and printers. The first device that uses the webOS is HP tablet PCs, HP TouchPad. However, sales were Touchpad is very bad, though HP had several times cut the price.
After Stop the TouchPad, HP will Sell WebOS After Stop the TouchPad, HP will Sell WebOS Reviewed by pingkom on 9:11 AM Rating: 5

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