Mophie Juice Pack PowerStation Pro Portable Charger

Mophie Juice Pack PowerStation Pro
Mophie Juice Pack PowerStation Pro

Today the need for a portable charger device increases. Moreover, the various devices are now beginning to switch to mobile models, with the relative size of the mini to practically carry everywhere.

Easy example is a cell phone / smartphone, whose function has been diverse, ranging from the basic functions of telecommunications (telephone and text) to use jamming game or a portable music player, video. No doubt the battery consumption was huge, until the battery often drop (low batt) while we're on that journey.

Looking at the above phenomenon is no doubt if we need a mobile charger, portable charger device, which can be taken away. Many variants on the market, but one was quite interesting the Mophie Juice Pack PowerStation Pro. The gadget with a capacity of 6000 mAh internal battery is capable of charging two smartphone / tablet PC, we at once. Compatibility with many, almost all devices with USB ports.

Uniquely, this portable charger has a special ability. Armed with IP-65 certification, Mophie Juice can last from the 'invasion' of water and dust. This means a portable charger is suitable also taken an adventure. Eg hiking, cross country and others. Even if dropped or accidentally slammed Mophie Juice Pack charger PowerStation Pro is still able to work well, without problems.

Mophie Juice Pack Charger portable PowerStation Pro is offered at $ 129.95.
Mophie Juice Pack PowerStation Pro Portable Charger Mophie Juice Pack PowerStation Pro Portable Charger Reviewed by pingkom on 3:03 PM Rating: 5
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